Monday, April 1, 2019

Sha-Bang Your Scripts

Sometimes, Windows can be a friendly scripting environment. You write a batch file, and you run it. You write a Powershell script, and provided your Execution Policy allows it, you run it. If it is a batch file, you can even double-click it in the GUI. Powershell, however, you either need to run in its shell, or wrap it in a batch script. The bash shell works a bit differently.

The Sha-Bang (Sharp Bang) declares to the shell what is needed to execute the script. A bash script ( would normally look like:

echo "Hello, World!"

You would then add the executable flag:

chmod +x

The same can be done with other interpreters, such as python or perl:

#!/usr/bin/env python
print("Hello, World!")


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Hello, World!\n"

The same can be done with Powershell on linux, provided your shell knows where Powershell lives.

$ which powershell

If you get a response, then Powershell is in your env PATH, so you can have:

#!/usr/bin/env powershell
Write-Host "Hello, World!"

Powershell users in Windows will note that just as running a local script, you need a dot-slash:

$ ./example.ps1
Hello, World!

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